Quotes and Anecdotes
To approach agriculture without a sense of mystery is to reduce it to an industrial, mechanical process. To farm well, you have to merge with the biological world, which has inherent spiritual value...my spirituality is most prevalent when I'm in touch with the land. I see the same thing happen in the people we feed. They recognize the spiritual component and respond to it.
People will tell you that the organic-farming revolution that's taking place is about food safety or ecological concerns, but I think that if you dig down deep, you'll find that the revolution is really about what people are missing in their lives: good food and a connection to the land, both of which put us in touch with basic spiritual values.
Most of us no longer know what it's like to pull a carrot from the ground or to munch on beans so fresh they explode in your mouth. But there's another kind of nourishment, less tangible than the carrots or the beans, that being connected with the land provides. This deeper, soulful nourishment is what our society is desperately long for.
-------------------------"Earthly Delights" Michael Ableman